"Your Hair" Hairpiece for Women Losing their Hair from Chemotherapy

Watch this video and create awareness!

We have been offering an awesome service to our clients who are losing their hair.  If you or someone you know is about to lose their hair we may be able to help.  If you can cut at least 6 inches of hair we can create an amazing hairpiece that can be worn under scarves, hats, beanies and turbans.  The best part you can keep part of your hair even!  Watch the video and see for yourself!

Our Goal!

Besides the fact that we want to help women who are undergoing chemotherapy keep a part of themselves that they may lose during treatments.  We want to help them feel like themselves. We have been creating these for years, and this creation has helped women feel that much more empowered during their treatments.

Pair the hairpiece with any head covering This piece may not replace a full wig, but it does allow women to have other options during chemo. Not all women choose to wear a wig during their treatments this can be an great alternative.  

How to get yours made?

The price to create this wonderful piece is affordable. Price is determined on may factors, so for more information you can contact us at wigs@orderquality.com or call for an appointment 514-907-3322 ext. 1 for a free consultation.

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